My first find was a dead oak tree covered in these mushrooms. I think these are "trametes versicolor". They may not give me any good color, but finding mushrooms in the dead of winter was a triumph. I only harvested enough to do some tests.

A little farther down the road I struck mushroom gold. I believe that these are "phellinus tuberculosus". They look very promising. I'm hoping for a warm golden brown. Their flesh is a nice dark shade of caramel and is very dense in texture. They weren't easy to pry off the trees.

The baby and I began to get tired of crashing through the underbrush and so we did a little lichen picking.

This is a hedge of prunelles a.k.a. sloes or blackthorn. They seem to be particularly attractive to lichens. Prunelles are also a good dye source.

I turned over a fallen branch and, surprise, more mushrooms! These are too little to use for dyeing but I love their color against the soft blue green of the lichens.

This blue gray lichen has a hammered looking surface. My most recent test on this lichen is looking very promising. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a possible source of purple dye. I won't be able to identify most of my lichens until I can find a good lichen book. It's frustratingly hard to identify lichens. They really are very subtle creatures.

We wandered back toward the house and on a whim I decided to cross through a field where I knew I might find some wild cherry bark. I found the cherry tree, and we also found more little orange mushrooms.

These last photos are of some mushrooms that I found on an earlier hike in the valley of the Vers. I'm definitely going to go on more valley hikes when the weather gets a little warmer.

Here's one last photo of some spring flowers. Just a few short weeks.......

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