jeudi 24 mars 2011

Lichen Troubles

I've just found out, the hard way, that light fastness is a serious issue.  This morning I took a rose pink lichen dyed skein out of the bath and hung it on the line to dry.  I hung it in the shade, but over the course of a couple of hours the sun moved, and my skein changed colors radically.

I'm looking into ways of making the pink light fast.  I hope that I can figure this out.  The original pink was so bright and unusual.  I've never heard of lichens fading this quickly.  The skein was probably only in the sun for an hour.  The pale blue is pretty, but I don't think it's light fast either.  I'll have to do some more tests.

2 commentaires:

  1. This is dyed with Xanthoria Parietina, isn't it? This is a known occurence, the blue will stay, maybe fade a bit.
    I know I'm late in answering, and hope that this comment finds you alive and well.
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  2. I think if it was dyed with Xanthoria, it will always change to blue in sunlight. But other ammonia method lichen dyes are supposedly very colourfast and will giver brilliant purples and pinks and magentas.
